[EXCLUSIVE] WordPress Real Category Management Custom Category Term Order Tree View
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You can lose the overview quickly or invest a lot of time digging through the content using filters. It would be easier if you could intuitively organize the content into folders. Just like you are used to from your Windows Explorer or Mac Finder for files. This is exactly what category folders of Real Category Management enable you to do. Managing content in folders is a better form of content management than clicking through long lists!
Our PRO version offers category folders for better content management for all custom post types like WooCommerce products, LearnPress content, bbPress forums and much more. Learn more about the PRO version.
If you are asking yourself whether or not there is a plugin that can assist in organizing your categories super fast, present it in an easier-than-ever view, establish a custom category order and do many more tricks, my answer is Yes. Yes, there is. Prepared to find out
With The Real Category Management, feel totally free to create the custom categories order as you would like! Think that category should be at the end of the list Click it and move! Think that folder should be the sub-folder of another one Just hover your mouse over it and do so! With the help offered by The Real Category Management, things have never been easier!
What can be a better way to view your categories if not tree view The so-called tree view gives users an overall look at the available categories, making it easier and more convenient to manage them. Want to see some specific posts Just choose the category type you want, in seconds, the plugin will show you all the posts sorted by that category.
WP Media Category Management supports categories for media files by using the existing categories or a dedicated media category custom taxonomy. You can change categories easily by toggling on the media list page view, including bulk toggling for multiple media files. It supports post tags and media taxonomies defined by other plugins as well.
Using this plugin, you can control media categories via admin the same way as you control post categories. It also filters media files in your library using custom taxonomy in list and grid views. While uploading media files, you can choose a default category.
On the UI side, WordPress creates a new meta box on posts for every taxonomy. The meta box is similar to the Tags meta box which lets you link one or more terms to your post. This is what WordPress does by default, and this is what we can change by making a taxonomy exclusive: Make the custom taxonomy behave like the category taxonomy.
ByWordpress JediPublished on March 21WordPress comes with basic category and tag management features, so you can add/delete categories and assign posts to them fairly fast. The RCM plugin takes it to the next level. It lets you use your mouse to drag & drop posts. You can easily create, delete, and reorder categories.
This raises the necessity for you to sort the category in a different and more interesting way in WordPress. In WooCommerce, site owners have the same concern with the product category and try to customize its order.
Depth of term hierarchy tree (0 for unlimited) - Specify the maximum depth of the category hierarchy from which category terms will be fetched and displayed in the dropdown. Enter 0 for unlimited depth.
Aside from the ability to view your images based on categories we have also included the ability to move part or an entire category into a folder. This makes migrating to a real folders based solution quick and easy. Our integrations with NextGen Galleries, The WordPress Gallery, Jetpack Galleries along with our featured page/post image capability can also be used with our categories function.
All posts and terms are related to each other somehow. As example any page may have a parent page; any post may be assigned to any category or tagged with any tag. Any term may have a parent term. To add even more complexity, to determine if current user can or cannot do certain tasks with restricted post or term, you have to take in consideration the fact that user may have a parent role or even multiple roles. That is why to understand the full spectrum of possibilities for content access management, it is very important to learn how AAM inherits access settings. The diagram below outlines the general workflow. 153554b96e